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Do You Live in America’s Most Fun Neighborhood?

This question was recently posted in Family Fun magazine. The article below was submitted by our own ELE neighbor, Katie Donaldson. Katie wrote the article, signed, sealed, and stamped her entry without her parents’ knowledge. She was in a hurry to let America know how sweet it is to live in ELE.

Dear Family Fun,

My Neighborhood is lots of fun to live in. Everybody is nice and friendly. We have a neighborhood pool, tennis court, and annual parties, like the Back-to-School party and the Halloween party before we go trick-or-treating. We also have an Easter party with an egg hunt and the Fourth-of-July parade that has a fire truck leading the way. The kids and parents all decorate wagons and bikes for the parade and win prizes! I think my favorite party is the Christmas party. Everybody gets together and eats cookies, says hi to “Santa” and takes pictures with him and a reindeer or sometimes a longhorn! My neighborhood is called “Enchanted Lake Estates” and that’s what makes it great!



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