Enchanted Lake Estates Homeowner's Association
Rules & Regulations
By-Laws, Covenants, Restrictions, and Conditions
The governing document for the Enchanted Lake Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. Each homeowner has acknowledged agreement with the Declaration of Covenants at the time of closing at the title company.
Guidelines for Architectural Control
Maintained and published by the Enchanted Lake Estates Homeowners Association Architectural Control Committee.
Improvement Permit Application
The Improvement Permit Application, with instructions, is available via the link above and in the ELEHOA Directory.
Resale Certificates can be obtained from the ELEHOA Treasurer by sending an email to treasurer@elehoa.com.
Board Meetings
Board Meetings occur on the third Wednesdays of the month.
Contact the President one week prior to the meeting to be added to the meeting agenda.